Case Study – Substation Construction Plan as per P6 Example

You, Project Planner
prepare your: gives you these options:
  • Gantt Chart

  • With tccB01 (.MPP file), you have access to utility data for activities. This case study data is available through the WYSIWYGcrowdsourcedutilitycurves online google sheet

Figure 1: Button to Plot TCC’s Activity-on-Arrow Chart

Figure 2: Userform for selection

Figure 3: AOA Chart produced via Mermaid Live Editor

You, Project Planner
gives you these options:
  • Gantt Chart prepared

  • Click x3

  • With tccB01 (.MPP file), you have access to utility data for activities

  • In a few clicks, you have a schematic network model of the project

Figure 4: Utility data assumed based on P6 example with progress update at approx. 10% complete

You, Project Planner
prepare your: gives you these options:
  • Gantt Chart with (minimum) 2 options per activity:

  • With tccB01 (.MPP file), you have access to utility data for activities

  • Normal Duration and Crash Duration

  • User can import activities with preloaded utility data of <= 20 options per activity

  • Normal Cost and Crash Cost

  • User can define their own utility options or make use of preloaded options.

  • Indirect time-related overhead cost per Project

  • Privacy of utility data available if User assigns percentages rather than actual durations and costs

1-click to Plot the TimeCostCurve

Userform with options to plot your TimeCostCurve

For example, in this case, user input ‘-4’ to shorten the project by 4 days

Resulting TimeCostCurve, with these notes

  • Indirect costs assumed to be $850/day is not large enough to reduce the total project cost as it’s duration is being compressed.

  • To compress by 2 days, activity ID 11 (Install Equipment) is compressed

  • To further compress by 2 more days, activity ID 8 (Set Foundation) is compressed

  • To further compress by 1 more day, activity ID 5 (Dig Cable Trench) is compressed

  • To further compress by 3 more days, activity ID 14 (Lay Control Cable) is compressed

  • To further compress by 1 more day, activity ID 17 (Remove Equipment) is compressed

  • To further compress by 2 more days, activity ID 4 (Mobilise) is compressed

  • All-Normal schedule is 58 days, $375,620
    VS Fully-crashed schedule is 47 days, $445,837

Figure 5: note the differences between this fully-crashed network diagram and the all-normal network (Fig. 3)

Figure 6: Fully-crashed schedule

You, Project Planner
gives you these options:
…should really check out
  • Run the timecostcurves app (within tccB01.mpp file) to plot the time-cost curve in MS Excel. Selection of tasks can be automatic or manual

  • Sketch your project’s network model (Activity-on-Arrow)

You just GOTTA get:
tccB01.mpp from
has just helped you
Solve your Time-Cost Problem

Saving Days and Dollar$ on your next Project…all in a few clicks